Saturday, April 24, 2021

All The Colors Mix Together, to...


As any of you would know, I am a big Dave Matthews Band fan. So recently, the mate and I did a little music project where we ranked each song from their studio albums from least favorite to most favorite. The list is somewhat surprising, because since this project required a lot of listens, a lot of songs I didn't know as well or listen to as much became higher on the list.

All in all it was a fun project and I'd do it again for a different favorite. I guess I should just Dive In.

Least Favorite to Most Favorite Dave Matthews Band studios:

First, the "Skips"::

Where Are You Going - Somehow my most hated song of theirs. I'm not even really sure why. Something about it just really rubs me the wrong way. Might be the melody, the tune, the words, I don't know.

Sleep To Dream Her - This song just annoys me and I skip it. 

Christmas Song - I am not a christian so it doesn't tick any of my boxes. Also, I don't like the way Dave sings it. 

Let You Down - Even the band doesn't like their own song. This one is a major skip. It's been played a few handful of times but that's it.

Mother Father - You'd think a Santana song would be uplifting but... no I just really don't like it. Skip.

Say Goodbye - A Fan favorite. During the concerts I go to the port o potty during this one... or go get another beer. It's a song about adultery and one night stand.. no thank you.

Lover Lay Down - A song about Dave wanting to get some girl in the sack that he's beon pining for. Not a terrible song, but it just doesn't do anything for me, so I skip it.

Now, for the "Meh" group ::

#35 - Too short to be a real song but I can dig where they were going with this.

When I'm Weary - Kind of annoying but I don't hate it as much as Lover Lay Down. Something about the way the lyrics are sung bothers me.

Belly Full - A short, sweet song, nothing special 

Pay For What You Get (Remember Two Things version) - This song is an older one so it's been heard. Been there done that.

Steady As We Go - Kind of boring.

Baby Blue - Another slightly annoying song, kind of boring, nothing I can even remember right now

I'll Back You Up - Another fan favorite that I don't really jive with that well. Maybe I used to really like it but you know when you hear it a lot it goes down hill.

Here On Out - Just not that memorable of a song.

Dreams of Our Fathers - The song where Dave sings about his kids (with exception of one or two) bug me. Probably because I don't have kids.

Mercy - Another "If we work together we can change the world song" - nah

Stolen Away on 55th & 3rd (Is that the song name? I always just refer to it as "stolen away") - Another slightly annoying song, I don't like the way the lyrics are sung/melody.

The Song That Jane Likes (R2T Solo Acoustic) - His voice was verrrrry nasal in this draft.

Angel - This song is annoying but not as bad as "When I'm Weary".


Now some "Okay/Neutral" songs. ::

Dream Girl - This song is alright. Nothing special. But I would enjoy it live.

When The World Ends - Another song that I've heard too many times to enjoy

Everybody Wake Up - Another "If we work together we can change the world song"

Fool To Think - A song about a possible missed connection. Not bad but the song is just ok.

Hunger For The Great Light - A song about oral sex. Well, aren't all Dave songs about oral sex mostly?

Out of My Hands - getting a little dark, but it  is a pretty good song.

Come on, Come on - Just ok. Doesn't do much for me but I wouldn't get up during the concert.

 #34 - A tribute/memorial song. It really is a lovely little jam.

Come Tomorrow - Another song about children and what will they experience when their world is older?

Snow Outside - This is alright. Nothing importantly special for me.

Do You Remember - I do not like the way it is sung but I like the music a lot.

Song That Jane Likes - Full band version, very good but just a little to mellow for me.

Typical Situation - This song is another one about changing the world, I think. It is alright.

Satellite  (R2T version) - Just ok. The other version is much more lively and full sounding.

Crash Into Me - Another instance of hearing it too often. Makes the heart grow less fonder, I think. A good song, but I don't like to hear it much.

Kit Kat Jam - On the Lillywhite Sessions this song has lyrics. On the official studio album "Busted Stuff" it does not which makes it farther down the list than it would have been.

Mercy (Live) - This version is a little better. I like the jam.

Belly Belly Nice - Peach juice dripping down your face (oral sex) anyone?

Proudest Monkey - Dave sings about monkeys a lot.

Minarets - This song is dope live but the studio version is so mellow.

Pig - I used to really love this one but it's alright now.

That Girl Is You - Again, live this one is awesome - especially with the Preservation Jazz Hall Band, but unfortunately the studio version sounds like Dave is skinning a cat. Stop drinking milk, dude.

Broken Things - Not bad not great.

Satellite - I do like this song, but decided I wouldn't rate it above the rest. This is the "Under The Table and Dreaming" version. More gusto!



Now for the "Good" list. Songs I do like much more :: 

Bkdkdkdd - A very small/short little jam on "Come Tomorrow". It sounds like the beginning of "Be Myself" which is one I figured and hoped they'd put on an album. Hmm..

American Baby - Pretty good song. But I'm not sure if Dave sings "Stay... American Baby" or "Stay American, baby."

Cry Freedom - A song about SA's apartheid. Very powerful.

American Baby Intro - Love the jam here.

What Would You Say - I know, right? Thought this one would be lower but it is a pretty funky bluesy hip song to jive around to.

Dancing Nancies - Dave solo acoustic live version. Nothing special but a damn good song.

Old Dirt Hill - Bring that beat back!! Yes! Great jam, good aesthetics in my head to this one. Riding your bike, kissing under a railroad trestle... etc

Spoon - Album version features Alanis Morrisette. I like it. But live... features Brandi Carlile @ the Gorge back in the day - so good!

Recently - Another good one although I indeed have listened to this one way too many times.

Spaceman - A lovely song.

Smooth Rider - A song about me. JK really though, too short - they should have had a jam on this one.

Can't Stop - Better than the original Batson Sessions version, but a lot of fun especially live.

What You Are - A pretty raucous track, this one also is especially fun live.

Seven - Another dirty song. Dave?

Everyday - The video features a dude hugging everyone he sees which is kinda cool. It's a sweet song.

Idea of You - I won't pull your hair or kick your shin... I swear.

Ants Marching - R2T version (live) so this is a great song but back on their early days it just wasn't as full sounding, it was still pretty mellow.

Again and Again - I like this one, and I think I may have seen it live but I can't recall.

Virginia In The Rain - At first this one was too boring but I love the melody now.

Time Bomb - Another fun jam live, and on the studio not bad.

I Did It - Hated this one when I first heard it (I was mad about the Lillywhite Sessions) but I dig it now, it is a fun little ditty

The Dreaming Tree - What a lovely, beautiful song

Drunken Soldier - I remember seeing this one at the Gorge, wow! Good one.

Granny - Ahhh yes, everyone's super fan favorite. But the studio version isn't as good as live.

Tripping Billies - R2T version - fun but not as full sounding.

So Much To Say - Should link y'all to my mate's dance on video she did to this one. She won 2nd place at a talent show.

Best of What's Around - A fun song.

Gaucho - Would be better live, without the kids' choir.

Gaucho Live - That's better.

Grace is Gone - Aw, love this one. I liked the Lillywhite Sesh version until I heard the beginning of this version and like this one better now.

Sweet - This is a cute song, rare one I like, bout teaching his son to swim.

Too Much - The ultimate concert/festival song - over indulgence. So me.

Stay (Wasting Time) - This is always a fun one. I used to not like the "lovely ladies" on it but I do now. 

Lying In The Hands of God - A good one, be even better live?

Lying In The Hands of God (Live) - Yes.

The Riff - It grew on me. This one used to be just a "ok"

Beach Ball - Good fun song. I hope someone actually rolls around a beach ball during this one live. They prob have.

Rooftop - I used to also not like this one as much as I do now. Good song!!

Now we're at the AWESOME ones!! ::

Drive In Drive Out - A fun, funky song to jam to, especially live.

Captain - This version was not IMO as good as the Lillywhite Sessions but it grew on me. It's got some jazzy funky-ness going on

Busted Stuff - Catch myself singing this one sometimes.

Sweet (Live) - Love the ukulele.

She - Rock out, Dave!

Black and Blue Bird - This is a sweet little song, love the part about Stardust and Canis Major.

Dive In - Love the way this one is sung and the melody. It is nice.

Lie In Our Graves - Getting into jam territory! Love the message of this one. Why lie in our graves dreaming of things that we might've been could've been, maybe?

Tripping Billies (Crash version) - Funky, fresh, hip... fun as an encore or set closer.

Ants Marching - The fan icon song. Tons of fun live, but also this studio version is spotless.

Shake Me Like a Monkey (Live) - So fun. Yes yes Dave you like to go down on your wife, we get it!

Diggin' a Ditch - Who doesn't unplug everything and take a hot bubble bath while listening to music and sipping on wine?

If Only - A good song about 'wanting you back' - my favorite from Away From The World I believe.

 Funny The Way It Is - I used to get this one mixed up with You Never Know - it's like a continuation of that one if you ask me. 

You Never Know - Love this one. You just really never know - I mean, so funny the way it is!

Samurai Cop (Oh Joy Begin) - This one makes me cry especially thinking about it in terms of myself, like my mom gives birth to me and my joy begins, makes me think of her and I miss her.

Louisiana Bayou - Fun, funky, I can see myself blasting this one while walking down the streets of the French Quarter soon

Rapunzel - Oh yes, he never sings about oral sex does he? Anyway a fun really funky jam

You & Me (live) - Another sweet one. You and me together, we can do anything, baby - pack your bags, something small..

The Last Stop - Perhaps their most crazy powerful RAAWWWWWWRRRRR song that they have next to Don't Drink The Water. BAM in your face.

Alligator Pie (live) fun and funky and again, I'm so going to blast this one in the french quarter soon...

Why I Am - love the nods to Leroi (late sax player) in this one.

Shake Me Like A Monkey (studio version) - I like this one more than the live one included on the album simply because Dave's voice doesn't crack.

 You & Me (studio) - A sweet one.

Two Step - Man this song live... I have no words. 18 minute jam anyone? Go watch the Summer Tour Warm Up 9.8.12 from California. Holy hell. A monster. But the studio here, is super good. Tim Reynolds for the win!

Squirm - A funny story. At the Gorge some dude vomited in the row in front of us and the band started playing Squirm "...Open up your mouth... it's coming out..." so great.

Hello Again - Singing about murder. Good old murder. Dave's sister when he was young was killed by her husband and I think this song is about that.

Seek Up - Studio version is kinda weak, a little lacking in the "OOMF" department. But live, wow!

Dancing Nancies - Again live this is better, but this studio version is damn good and so much fun to sing to. Could I have been anyone other than me?

Warehouse - This warehouse frightens me. No, for real. Live it makes wind blow, but this studio version, very very good.

Bartender - Oh man, he gives it his absolute ALL in this one, especially the Lillywhite Sessions version, but this one they put a little more thought into and it sounds really great.

Halloween - Oh my god talk about RAW pure emotion. Dave screams not to scream for screaming's sake but to show how horrible he felt when the song was written - We've all been there with a torn up heart before.

Big Eyed Fish - A cautionary tale? A cute tale? A song about monkeys and fish? Yes, all of that.

The Stone - Triumphantly epic, moody, and beautiful lyrics. I was just hoping that you'd come along, hold up my head when my head won't hold on... I'll do the same if the same's what you want, if not I'll go...

You Might Die Trying - This jam has got me. And the lyrics though there aren't many, are damn good. Sing along at a campfire perhaps?

One Sweet World - A song about saving the planet. Done in an upbeat, fun, funky, fresh, and  totally sing-along-able way!

Top 5, Drum Roll please!!

Rhyme & Reason - Singing about the lowest point in your life but while nearly screaming your head off about it... yes.

Jimi Thing - Who hasn't just sat back and relaxed, smoked some weed and had a drink or two whilst contemplating the ills that befall us? Now, the live version is um.. well, I think the longest Jimi Thing was over 20 minutes long. Fuck yeah that jam. 

Crush - Me and my mate's love song! While not just a romantic love song, but man that jam at the end.. hell yes.

Don't Drink The Water - I have native sympathy. Always have. Love the culture, the music, and their history make me angry. And this song... stirs all of that up. Album version is kinda slow. But deep and powerful. Live though, just go home after this one, it's all you need to pump you the fuck up.

And my #1 all time favotie Dave Matthews Band song is...

Grey Street - She thinks hey, how could I come to this? I've dreamt myself a million times around the world, and can't seem to get out of this place! A song about a sad girl. Depression has hit us all at one point or another, and this song hits it square in the head. It isn't just the words/lyrics. The melody, and the harmony between the violin (Boyd Tinsley rest in... whatever you're resting in) and saxophone are triumphantly gorgeous. The whole song is brought together by the sensation that when you're sad... all the colors mix together, to grey.

There you have it, every Dave song on the studios ranked. I'm spell checking and such, but if I don't catch something, pardon me. Anyway a lot of these, after several listens, was a surprise to me.

I would love to see YOUR list, so if you do make one, let me know!

Friday, April 23, 2021

Belly Full

Dave Matthews Band released their tour dates yesterday. The closest is Irvine, CA in September or Albuquerque in October. But... We might be going to New Orleans in October! So everything is up in the air. Either one - I would be happy to go and do 😁

We get our 2nd Vax on May 13th. Can't wait. I'll be fully vaxxed by my birthday! This is good news.

Tuesday, April 20, 2021


On Thursday April 15th we got our first Moderna vaccine to Covid-19. We go back on May 13th for our 2nd dose. Then by June, we should be fully vaxxed and good to go! Maybe I will have a fun birthday (June 14th) after all! 

Obsydian Fox - Moonwaves!

Moonwaves out now on Spotify! And perhaps other streaming services already! Check out my new experimental ambient album on Spotify! https://...