Thursday, February 2, 2023

People Are F%#$@ Weird.

 So in December one afternoon, a man dressed in a hoody and jeans was casing this car in the parking lot. He looked through all the windows, and pulled out a jimmy stick, and forced his way inside. Then we called the cops. It turns out it was his own car, and he was giving his other car a jump. 

A few weeks later, a dude wearing a hoody, of course, was looking at some cars in the parking lot (mind you, we have a gated parking lot with entry for residents and airbnb guests only). He stopped and checked out a white car parked not too far from our vantage point. Then he walked over to this sleek little chevy sports car and looked through the window. He pulled out his phone and typed some things into it for about 5 minutes, then opened the car door. Without a key. Did he punch in a code on his phone? Or did he hack his way into it? We called the cops again. This time the cops didn’t even come out. They filed the report under “sundry”. 
Then, Tuesday we heard a knocking at the door around 10am. We were working at the moment, and we never answer for unexpected people, so we stayed silent. The knocking was frantic, and quick. Then I heard a jingling of keys and the jingly of the little silver bell we hae around the door handle. Someone was trying to come in. We have a security bar to prevent such things, which we were glad of. I texted the apartment manager and someone other than the apartment manager texted back saying we were scheduled for an occupancy inspection. I thought, how odd, their behaviour just knocking all crazy-like, not waiting for me to answer the door before just coming on in with the keys. We never received a 24 hour notice, either, that someone would be coming by. Later that day, I heard a jingle of the bell on the door again. And a pushing sound, like someone was trying to push their way inside. We didn’t answer. Too creepy, not knocking. I knew whoever it was, would come back later after we’d gone to bed. We go to bed really early on weeknights, because we wake up at 3am. So we were in bed by 6pm, and around 6:30, while I was still doing stuff on my phone, I heard the sound of the jingle bell again, and shoving noises. They didn’t even knock.
Who does that? Why are people acting so strange? This city is really an oddball.

Obsydian Fox - Moonwaves!

Moonwaves out now on Spotify! And perhaps other streaming services already! Check out my new experimental ambient album on Spotify! https://...