Saturday, November 19, 2022

I Can See How This Is Gonna Go

I have some news. We decided to put off the move to Indy until a year from now when we can have more money saved up. And, more time to plan and pack for it. Right now it would be a gigantic headache and we'd be scraping the bottom of the barrel. 

St. Louis might be the most dangerous city in America, but we are taking precautions, and being vigilant and aware of our surroundings at all time when we're out. We will be ok until we move. 

Wednesday night my mate went to go close the blinds in the other room when she noticed fire down the street. I went to look and sure enough, there was a car on fire. I figured someone had probably called 911 by then, but my mate called anyway, and the fire trucks arrived maybe 8 minutes later (and the fire had been going for 5 minutes before calling). The fire dept was able to quash the fire before it reached the building it parked next to.

The thing is, we never  hear about this stuff that we see, on any blotter, or Nextdoor app, or anything.  Something crazy we will see, and no one is talking about it. Never. It's an add phenomenon that we both have noticed.


In other news, one of our cats has taken a liking to climbing the shelf by the window and hoisting himself up onto the rim of the wall, under the ceiling (our walls don't go all the way to the top).  

                                                            My mate, helping the cat down 

Needless to say, we had to re-arrange more furniture. What a turkey! In the process of getting down off the top there, his tail caught in the cactus we keep up high, and now my mate's sock has stickers all up in it. Silly cat. 

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