Saturday, January 2, 2021

My Music. No, really.

 So.. one of my problems in life is that I always feel misunderstood. I also have a small creative streak. I feel like I can express myself through making music. The problem is, I don't know how to make it. I just do what I think sounds good. If I had lots of $ I'd take some production courses. I don't have time for that either. 

So I just use software on the computer to make stuff that I like. I tried to share with my Facebook friends and family but no one seems to want to even check it out for some reason. I really do like constructive criticism and since I know the music I create is anything but perfect, I think it would be easy to provide feedback.

So, you, dear reader, are invited to have a listen to the recent creations that I've posted here, and tell me what you think. Don't be mean, just be honest (nicely of course, I'm just a baby). 


If that link doesn't work for any reason, try

That might work too. Thanks for your input, I really appreciate it. Drop me a comment here.

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