Friday, December 31, 2021

Best Times of 2021

 Here's the entry I was excited to write. The BEST of 2021 for me. This year really was not a bad year, and it was difficult to write up a "worst of". So many good, or even neutral things happened this year. So let's get right to it.

- We got a kitten for our kitten so our kitten can kitten. We introduced Angus to the family, he's a little orange guy. He's really sweet but right now is going through his terrible two's and acting a fool. He is always smiling though, and is a joy to have around. He is friends with everyone, and brought out the social/playful nature of Choco-Luv, who plays like she's 6 months old but is really 15 years old. 

- Laurel's computer crapped out on her. Actually, 2 of them did to be specific. While this sounds like a bad thing - and it wasn't great - it ended up being a blessing in disguise because I purchased a better laptop for her. It's a gaming computer, and she doesn't play games but that just means the graphics and sound card, processor speed, RAM and hard drive space are all superior. The keyboard lights up in different colors. It's sturdy and military-grade tough (the type of computer is actually called "Tuf" too). 

- I ran 1 mile every single day for over a year. It would've been 2 years, but in August of 2020 I had West Nile from a mosquito bite, which gave me hives which meant I couldn't put a bra or, really any clothing on, and I can't run without a bra. So that is pretty good over all. 

- Usually from October - January it becomes "food time" and we gain 15 lbs. But this year we didn't do nearly as bad as we thought we would. I gained about 4 lbs, which really doesn't bother me because of one of my goals I have set up for the new year - exercise and eating smaller portions. It'll happen.

- We had monsoons this year!! The past 2 years it was non-soons, so for the storms to come our way again finally, it was really nice. We enjoyed sitting out on the patio under the carport while it just poured down crazy rain.

- My dad, one of the first of the boomer (flip phone loving) generation (I think? He was born in 1945) was given a smartphone by a friend of his, and he tried to use it and hated it, so he gave it to me. Subsequently, he stuck with his flip phone. I think he finally figured out how to receive text messages just recently. Anyway... He didn't know what it was so I didn't expect to like it, but when I received it in the mail and opened it, I found out it was a Motorola One 5G, 128gig smartphone. It's been a pretty good phone and it replaced the one that I had been using which was a Samsung S9 cheapy phone. I got a new wallet case for it, for christmas from my mate. 

- We got to stay working from home this whole year. We don't go back until maybe March, if that. It's been super nice. We have our routines, and working from home helps us maintain those. I'm an introvert, so staying home really eases my anxiety a lot.

- Cooking. We didn't do it all that often, but when the 2 of us cooked together, we had a great time. We signed up for Hello Fresh and now end up cooking more often as a result. It's fun doing it as an activity we both can have fun together with, whilst imbibing on a tasty beverage. Just the other day we (she) made her infamous (maybe one day) Beef Stronagoff. I baked an apple pie from scratch a few months ago. It was pretty good. Cooking with my mate is enjoyable.

- We got rid of peice of shit CenturyLink who refused to do anything to provide more than 1.5mbps internet to us. We got tired of constantly having our connections drop while working. I received an ad in the mail for T-Mobile Home Internet and after we discussed it, switched. It is soooo much faster and can handle a heavier amount of simultaneous connections. I get about 50mbps now. It does disconnect once in a while, but not every day like CL did. 

- I switched from Boost Mobile to Mint to US Mobile this past year. I had problems with US Mobile's GSM (T-Mobile towers) service and it was ongoing for about 2 months and they moved me to their Super LTE (Verizon towers) service and since then, has been excellent. My plan is less than $20 incl. tax, for 5 gigs of data and unlimited talk & text. Since our internet from T-Mobile is a total beast, I don't need to use cellular data as much (barely any, really). 

-  Swimply app? Maybe Swimly. Anyway, either way it is awesome. It let's you rent swimming pools at other people's houses. We've used it twice. Each time, we had a blast. The first time we were in Scottsdale at some dude's house, and we played with the beach ball back & forth seeing who could spike it the most without it touching the water. The 2nd time was in Chandler, and it was another dude's house, he had a TV with Amazon Music (or some such thing -- I spoke to Alexa, and told her what to play) so we listened to music and had fun with a beverage or two. What a fabulous idea, renting other people's swimming pools! 

- Being with my mate is probably the single most bestest part of the year. I've gotten to spend the past 12 years with her, but it never gets old. We laugh, we cry, we smile, we laugh again. Ok we don't really cry but you got the point. We have a strong connection. My heart grows 3 times bigger whenever I get to hold her or give her a kiss. She is my world. I wouldn't be the same person without her, she makes me better and I love her for it. So the best part of 2021 was being able to spend it with her - and our little kitty family. 

- Music. SO MUCH GOOD MUSIC in the chillout/electronic world for 2021. (see my top 10 below). It was actually pretty hard this year choosing a top 10 and then a top 5 out of those, and then a 1st place winner. I feel like I didn't get nearly enough time this year though to listen to all of it. I was impressed that, at least in the electronic world (I can't say the same for the rock/pop/country/other world) that they spent being locked down making marvelous music. I even made some in 2020 but alas.. I didn't really publish it. It's on Soundclick and Soundcloud, but not up on Spotify yet. We'll get there.

So that was my year. A pretty good year. As Tori Amos would say.

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