Saturday, January 15, 2022

Such a Pessimist

 Ok. So I am taking Google Certificate courses in UX Design. I am on Course 6 out of 7. It requires me to install Adobe XD on this computer and... it doesn't look like that's happening. The computer I am running has 2G of RAM and a 320G hard drive. That is not enough, apparently, to run the program. I can't even get it installed. 

So I rebooted the computer which took 10 minutes or so, and then it took another 10 for it to stop doing whatever it does at startup, so that I could actually open programs. I started the installer again and tried to open Firefox to write while the installer downloaded the files it needed.

Firefox was updating, which took another 5 minutes, and then it wouldn't open, so I had to troubleshoot that and figure out what was wrong, finally got that situated.

I'm tired of this shitty little computer that I got as a present in 2018 as a temporary replacement for an actual laptop (this is an 11.6 inch tiny ass thing), but so far I have been unable to procure a new laptop.

My mate just got a new one because both of the ones that she had crashed on her, then she had nothing. We wanted to get her a good one that was durable and tough and would not crash so easily (Might have had something to do with the hard drive, I bet the ones that crashed didn't have SSD). So she has a really good one that is working out great. But unfortunately I might have to borrow hers or something to use Adobe XD, I am not sure how to get it working on this piece of shit.

I asked for a new laptop for CHristmas but was told we had to save money. So then I asked for a new one for my birthday in June, but now that looks like it won't happen because our rent is increasing in February. 

Might have to cancel my plans for a UX Design career. I don't see any way around this.

EDIT: I don't want to jinx it, but it might just yet install! I tried one more time, time #5 appears to be maybe working!

EDIT 2: It worked! I got it installed after about an hour of trying to figure out what was happening.

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