Monday, January 10, 2022

Can't Stop

 So when I was a two year old, I was a perfect (well, almost) little angel. This should've eluded to anyone paying attention that my teenage years would be full of mischief, and they were. I was angsty and hormonal, and just trying to figure myself out, as all teenagers are, with the added pressure of being a  gay girl. So it was no wonder I got in a physical altercation in school, wrote a suicide poem that spawned psychological counseling, and had an unrelenting crush on a girl in my P.E. class. Sigh.

But what they don't tell you, is that years later, there's one sure way to tell if you'll have a mid-life crisis. And that is - did you go wild and crazy in your 20's? No? Then when you turn 40 you're going to have a wild ride.

I was wild in my 20's. A little too wild. I'm surprised I'm still alive. I went to raves and parties, did some substances, and was friends with all sorts of strange characters. Those strange characters all have wives/husbands and a house now. We did our craziness in our 20's.

My mate, on the other hand, was busy in her 20's working and studying at a big University. She had no time for parties, raves, and sketchy people. 

So that means... when she turns 40 in just 2 short years, I am in for a wild ride.

This is a calculated fact. 


I have no idea how it will manifest itself. Will she buy a red mustang and try and race kids at the stop light? Doubtful. Will she have an affair behind my back? Doubtful. Will she impulsively spend all the money? Again, doubtful. I really don't know how this is going to play out, but I'm sure it will. 

Hopefully I'm wrong and she won't go berserk. I mean, she is a very VERY level-headed individual. She is the most responsible and reasonable person that I know. I really can't imagine any shenanigans with her. Not like the kind I'm always pulling as a result of my bipolar. So we will see.

I'm going to add a tangential side note here: I have been in the throws of a manic episode these days, and I notice that time is acting weird again for me. I typed this whole thing in a matter or 1-2 minutes somehow. I have been taking an upped dosage of my Abilify medication, hopefully it will kick in quite soon. It is fairly small, I'm not having symptoms of psychosis or anything like that. Hypomania, they call it. Except I have type 1, so it's really just my medications doing their job.

Side note ended.


I'm really not worried that my mate is going to have a mid-life crisis. If she does, we will weather the storm together. That's why we're together. We balance each other out.  And that's one of the best things of being her romantic partner.

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