Friday, May 13, 2022

The Non-Binary Conundrum

Ok. So this is going to be unpopular opinion, but please just hear me out.

A lot of people say they are Non-Binary or NB due to not feeling they fit into what society says a man or a woman should be. 

But what if, instead of being a neutral gender... That we simply say fuck you to Heteronormative standards? Instead of being NB, I'm saying no, I too, am what a woman is. Let's broaden the definition of what a man is. Let's broaden the definition of what a woman is. I also, with my short hair and men's clothing, am a woman.

Don't erase your gender identity simply because you don't fit into someone else's box. Expand that box, to include you. You, also, are what a woman is. 

The younger generations aren't going to understand my GenX rationale but I had to put this out there. 

I also don't like the term "gender non-conforming" because to me it indicates that there's a difference. No. See past what they tell you that you should be. Make society bend to you, don't bend for them.

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