Monday, January 16, 2023

Just Tired

 The cold has mostly gone away, except for a lot of snot in my face so I have to blow my nose a lot. Other than that, it should be gone but it left me with extreme fatigue and my eyes are blurry. I had a migraine while I slept last night, too. Feeling very weird lately.

I just feel so tired. Like I hadn't just slept 10 hours last night. Seriously. We have had the laziest weekend, and I feel like we should've been more productive, but damn... I just don't feel like it. 

I know it wasn't COVID because I took a home test and it said it was negative. So it's a cold, right? I didn't have a fever. But damn, this head cold laid me out flat.

That's all for now, nothing else is really going on at all, just that I feel like sleeping 24/7.

Saturday, January 14, 2023

I Drink Too Much.. Too Much!!

So, I came down with a head cold last weekend. It started as a moderately painful sore throat, and then by the next day it was gone. Half the day went by, and I felt fine. Then BAM! Like a freight train my nose was running like crazy and I had a headache. This escalated into stuffy nose and cough craziness by the middle of the week, and now.. it's tamping itself down a little bit.
There was a problem, though. Thursday night/Friday morning around midnight I got up to use the bathroom and take more cold medicine. I'd been having a coughing fit in bed and didn't want to wake my mate, so I grabbed some cough medicine and drank - what I thought was a reasonable amount, i.e. a tablespoonful. It turns out I probably drank a cupful of the stuff without realizing it. 
Man I felt WEIRD that whole day and into the next day. It felt like I was tired and sleepy and wanted to sleep but too lazy and mellow to actually go do that, and it was hard to type on a computer keyboard, or hold a conversation, I was out of it. 
It wore off this morning, earlier, after I ran a mile on the treadmill. I think I had way too much of that stuff. I looked at the bottle and sure 'nough.. Dex. The damn bottle was filled with Dextromethorphan syrup.
I had done this once before though, you see.
I went to work once as a young lass, I think I was 20 or 21, during the Christmas rush at a grocery/everything store. I won't name it, but it was kind of like a Target.. anyway I was typically a cashier in the home dept, but they had me going into the attic and getting down more toys to stock in the toy dept. The stairs up there were so very narrow, I nearly fell 3 different times, because I had a head cold and had taken a cupful of cough syrup containing Dextromethorphan. Woops. I couldn't pick up change from the till (they put me back in at cashier later in the day), and everyone speaking sounded like they were speaking from a tin can. It was super weird. I felt really slow and molasses-like.
Anyway, I feel better now, just like a normal person. I think all of that wore off finally, I didn't realize it would take this long!
Anyway... it felt like this:

Monday, January 2, 2023

So, I won a contest...

 I didn't think I would ever win an AI Art contest, but I did. On Discord, in one of my favorite AI channels, I entered a contest and posted an image I made that I thought encompassed the theme of this contest well. Apparently a lot of other people thought so, too. So, I won.

This is good news. Good things have been happening lately that make this a cherry on a cake:

- We finally found a good vet for our cats. This doctor is caring, helpful, knowledgeable, and takes time to really help your animals. The last 4 we brought our old cat to did basically nothing.

- My mate was having serious issues at work with her supervisor, and suddenly they changed her supervisor, she didn't even have to ask. So great! The stress just melted off and she feels so much better. Anxiety sucks.

- I got my 2nd album on Spotify and Apple Music, iTunes, Youtube, TikTok, Instagram, all the places. I never thought in a million years I would be able to get my music out to the world, I was too shy. But finally I did it and even though I am struggling to find listeners, it still is pretty cool.

- And now the contest. I won a gift card from this contest, and am so proud of myself for getting better, and persevering with my prompt writing that I came up with a great image. I'd never before thought my art was good enough. So...Pat on the back. And now it motivates me to do even better than before. My art has gotten better seemingly over the past month, which is cool. I do have a secret prompt that I use for a lot of the work, and it comes out nice. So, I bought a black leather jacket, some fashion jeans, and a pair of shoes. I want to look as cool as I feel right now. :)


Old image from August 2022

New image I made, just now.


Sunday, January 1, 2023

It's For The Children

 I broke down and after releasing my 2nd album, I got a TikTok. Goddamnit, I never wanted one but I have to promote my tunes!

If you're a TikTokker and want to follow me, my name on there is manikfoxlaughs.

Happy New Year!

Open Spotify and Listen to me!

Obsydian Fox - Moonwaves!

Moonwaves out now on Spotify! And perhaps other streaming services already! Check out my new experimental ambient album on Spotify! https://...