Sunday, January 10, 2021

Best of What's Around

 I am here to tell you that if you make excuses not to do something, there's also always a reason to do it. 

I have asthma (cough variant), and large boobs. I do not like having either thing. But do I let that stop me from running as fast as I can on the treadmill? No.

For asthma I take 3 medications. Qvar inhaler, Albuterol inhaler, and Montelukast pills. I slowly but surely stretched my lungs so that now I can run at an 8.3 MPH on the treadmill and not be winded or out of breath. I do this because I take my medications everyday, and I worked my way, slowly, to that speed. I started running at a 4, and then I'd go up a speed when my lungs no longer felt like they would implode. It took time but it was worth it. Take that, lung disease!!!

As for the boobs... well in 2007 I tried to get rid of most of them, but the Doctor couldn't get as much stuff out of there as I would have liked so they are still big. I dislike them a lot. They hurt and you can't run unless...

What do you do when you buy a new piece of furniture but there's no room in the vehicle for it? That's right - you strap 'em down! Which is exactly what I do. I wear 3 bras when I run. The first one is a Glamorize regular non-wire, the 2nd is a tight fitting medium sized sports bra, and the 3rd is a small sports bra. You want the tighter small one on top, and you pull it up so that the bottom is in the middle, so that the top part of your chest doesn't shake, rattle & roll as well. Done.

So I have these 2 seemingly disabling qualities about myself, yet I do not let it ruin my progress toward achieving my proper fitness levels. So to anyone who says, "I can't run, I have asthma" I say - go get medications, start out slow, work your way up. To gals who say "I can't run, I have very large boobs" I say - go get yourself  regular bra, a medium sports bra, and a small sports bra. Tape those fuckers down. Then run, run, run! Run, Forrest, run!

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