Tuesday, January 19, 2021

Dave Matthews Band Songs: Ranked

 If you know me, or even anything about me at all, you know I am a Dave Matthews Band fan. Since 1997! They have a very large catalogue of songs, and for the fun of it, I thought I would rank the songs from my favorite to my least favorite. I got the inspiration to do this from my mate kit10phish, because she is doing that with the Indigo Girls, of which she is a big fan of. You can find her blog here: http://kit10phish.wordpress.com

Now a disclaimer: I am a big Dave fan. A Davehead, if you will. BUT... a lot of these fan favorite songs are not on my "Awesome" list because I have heard them sooooo many times that I've just gotten exhausted of them. So don't get upset if you see YOUR favorite on my "meh" list or something.

I included songs from Dave's solo album, and a few of these also might be live-only, but if they're played a lot they ended up here.

I have set this up in terms of Awesome, Great, Good, and Meh. Originally, the categories were "Fave", "Good" "Okay" and "Not Fave." But I realized even their worst (in my opinion) songs are still pretty damn good. So please remember this is MY opinion, and probably nowhere near the same opinion as anyone else. I have unique tastes. Later, I plan on ranking their albums (not including live... there's like 50 Live Trax and other live releases and that would take way too long to try and rank). 


Grey Street

Don't Drink The Water

Jimi Thing

Rhyme & Reason


You Might Die Trying

One Sweet World

The Stone


**Whenever I see them live and they play these songs, I get super excited. I won't say 'freak out' because I keep my cool on the exterior. But I am always super happy.


Tripping Billies



Seek Up

You Never Know

Dancing Nancies

The Last Stop


Two Step


Stay or Leave

Corn Bread

Lie In Our Graves

Sweet Up & Down

Drive In, Drive Out

Drunken Soldier

Shake Me Like a Monkey

You & Me

So Right

Big Eyed Fish

If Only



Dreaming Tree

Eh Hee


Why I Am


You & Me

Samurai Cop (Oh Joy Begin)

Can't Stop


Come Tomorrow

Diggin a Ditch



Grace is Gone


Too High

Stay or Leave


I Did It


**These songs are on my top list for enjoyment when seeing them live and I am always happy to witness these get played.





Ants Marching



Song That Jane Likes



So Much to Say

Too Much

So Damn Lucky

Typical Situation

Cry Freedom

What You Are


PNP--> Rapunzel


Out of My Hands

Old Dirt Hill

Alligator Pie

Time Bomb

Louisiana Bayou

The Idea of You

The Space Between

Broken Things

The Riff

Snow Outside

Funny The Way It Is

Lying In The Hands of God

Dive In



Baby Blue

That Girl Is You

Pay For What You Get

Idea of You

Virginia In The Rain

Again and Again

Come on Come on

Do You Remember

Crash Into Me

Kit Kat Jam

Busted Stuff

Save Me



Up Up & Away

When The World Ends 

If I Had It All


Fool To Think


** These songs are ok, some of them are really good but just played way too much. Others are just not catchy or just not even played often enough to register on the rating scale very much.




Where Are You Going

True Reflections

Christmas Song

I'll Back You Up

Say Goodbye

What Would You Say

Stolen Away on 55th

Some Devil

Belly Belly Nice



Belly Full

Here On Out

Let You Down

Lover Lay Down

Proudest Monkey

When I'm Weary

Grey Blue Eyes

An' Another Thing


Dreams of Our Fathers

Mother Father 

Sleep to Dream Her


** Ok these songs aren't terrible, I just really don't prefer them, and I will skip over them if i can, or, if at a concert, these are my bathroom break songs. 

If I forgot any songs please let me know.


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