Friday, December 31, 2021
The Cure For Depression
New Years... um, Goals.
So instead of calling them New Years Resolutions... I am going to simply call them "goals". Resolutions is such a powerful word, and I am not trying to force myself into anything majorly crazy like that. I just have some goals.
- Keep running 1 mile everyday, keep lifting weights, add abdominal workouts at breaktimes
- Eat less/smaller portions
- Eat healthier/Cook more & order delivery less
- Drink at least 16 cups of water everyday, more during Arizizzle.
- Keep doing my reminders that pop up on my phone, such as taking my medicine on time, cleaning the litterboxes in the morning, etc.
-- The ultimate goal is to lose 10 lbs by my birthday in June, which should be easy to do if we stick to it. The thing is, we both have to motivate and lift each other up.
Also, something else I'd like to do, is keep up with the psybient releases each month, as they come out, from That way I can choose good ones as-I-go throughout the year instead of listen to 200 albums in October - December.
Today my mate and I made a poster for ideas to help us be healthier in the kitchen. Tips & tricks, if you will. We're hanging it in the kitchen, in fact. It lists things such as "keep hydrated", "intermittent fasting", and "motivational quotes as desktop background". It's a way to remind us that this is important to us. Next week we're just living off of soup. Just soup, yep. Then we'll start fasting again.
On a completely unrelated note, I have the song "Wolves" by MISSIO stuck in my head and I can't get it out.
Ok back on track, /tangent, Tonight is New Years Eve, we're going to TRY an stay up as late as we can - if we make it past 8pm I will be super surprised, haha. For dinner we are having fondue, using a new recipe that we saw on TV. It's a tradition for us to do Fondue on NYE every year. One of my favorite things.
2021 wasn't a bad year, for me anyway. Here's to 2022: May it be a great year, free of COVID. (We'll see about that).
Best Times of 2021
Here's the entry I was excited to write. The BEST of 2021 for me. This year really was not a bad year, and it was difficult to write up a "worst of". So many good, or even neutral things happened this year. So let's get right to it.
- We got a kitten for our kitten so our kitten can kitten. We introduced Angus to the family, he's a little orange guy. He's really sweet but right now is going through his terrible two's and acting a fool. He is always smiling though, and is a joy to have around. He is friends with everyone, and brought out the social/playful nature of Choco-Luv, who plays like she's 6 months old but is really 15 years old.
- Laurel's computer crapped out on her. Actually, 2 of them did to be specific. While this sounds like a bad thing - and it wasn't great - it ended up being a blessing in disguise because I purchased a better laptop for her. It's a gaming computer, and she doesn't play games but that just means the graphics and sound card, processor speed, RAM and hard drive space are all superior. The keyboard lights up in different colors. It's sturdy and military-grade tough (the type of computer is actually called "Tuf" too).
- I ran 1 mile every single day for over a year. It would've been 2 years, but in August of 2020 I had West Nile from a mosquito bite, which gave me hives which meant I couldn't put a bra or, really any clothing on, and I can't run without a bra. So that is pretty good over all.
- Usually from October - January it becomes "food time" and we gain 15 lbs. But this year we didn't do nearly as bad as we thought we would. I gained about 4 lbs, which really doesn't bother me because of one of my goals I have set up for the new year - exercise and eating smaller portions. It'll happen.
- We had monsoons this year!! The past 2 years it was non-soons, so for the storms to come our way again finally, it was really nice. We enjoyed sitting out on the patio under the carport while it just poured down crazy rain.
- My dad, one of the first of the boomer (flip phone loving) generation (I think? He was born in 1945) was given a smartphone by a friend of his, and he tried to use it and hated it, so he gave it to me. Subsequently, he stuck with his flip phone. I think he finally figured out how to receive text messages just recently. Anyway... He didn't know what it was so I didn't expect to like it, but when I received it in the mail and opened it, I found out it was a Motorola One 5G, 128gig smartphone. It's been a pretty good phone and it replaced the one that I had been using which was a Samsung S9 cheapy phone. I got a new wallet case for it, for christmas from my mate.
- We got to stay working from home this whole year. We don't go back until maybe March, if that. It's been super nice. We have our routines, and working from home helps us maintain those. I'm an introvert, so staying home really eases my anxiety a lot.
- Cooking. We didn't do it all that often, but when the 2 of us cooked together, we had a great time. We signed up for Hello Fresh and now end up cooking more often as a result. It's fun doing it as an activity we both can have fun together with, whilst imbibing on a tasty beverage. Just the other day we (she) made her infamous (maybe one day) Beef Stronagoff. I baked an apple pie from scratch a few months ago. It was pretty good. Cooking with my mate is enjoyable.
- We got rid of peice of shit CenturyLink who refused to do anything to provide more than 1.5mbps internet to us. We got tired of constantly having our connections drop while working. I received an ad in the mail for T-Mobile Home Internet and after we discussed it, switched. It is soooo much faster and can handle a heavier amount of simultaneous connections. I get about 50mbps now. It does disconnect once in a while, but not every day like CL did.
- I switched from Boost Mobile to Mint to US Mobile this past year. I had problems with US Mobile's GSM (T-Mobile towers) service and it was ongoing for about 2 months and they moved me to their Super LTE (Verizon towers) service and since then, has been excellent. My plan is less than $20 incl. tax, for 5 gigs of data and unlimited talk & text. Since our internet from T-Mobile is a total beast, I don't need to use cellular data as much (barely any, really).
- Swimply app? Maybe Swimly. Anyway, either way it is awesome. It let's you rent swimming pools at other people's houses. We've used it twice. Each time, we had a blast. The first time we were in Scottsdale at some dude's house, and we played with the beach ball back & forth seeing who could spike it the most without it touching the water. The 2nd time was in Chandler, and it was another dude's house, he had a TV with Amazon Music (or some such thing -- I spoke to Alexa, and told her what to play) so we listened to music and had fun with a beverage or two. What a fabulous idea, renting other people's swimming pools!
- Being with my mate is probably the single most bestest part of the year. I've gotten to spend the past 12 years with her, but it never gets old. We laugh, we cry, we smile, we laugh again. Ok we don't really cry but you got the point. We have a strong connection. My heart grows 3 times bigger whenever I get to hold her or give her a kiss. She is my world. I wouldn't be the same person without her, she makes me better and I love her for it. So the best part of 2021 was being able to spend it with her - and our little kitty family.
- Music. SO MUCH GOOD MUSIC in the chillout/electronic world for 2021. (see my top 10 below). It was actually pretty hard this year choosing a top 10 and then a top 5 out of those, and then a 1st place winner. I feel like I didn't get nearly enough time this year though to listen to all of it. I was impressed that, at least in the electronic world (I can't say the same for the rock/pop/country/other world) that they spent being locked down making marvelous music. I even made some in 2020 but alas.. I didn't really publish it. It's on Soundclick and Soundcloud, but not up on Spotify yet. We'll get there.
So that was my year. A pretty good year. As Tori Amos would say.
Worst Times of 2021
I'm doing a best-of and worst-of 2021. I figured I'd start with the worst so that I end on a positive note. It really was not a terrible year like some people seem to think. We finally felt comfortable enough, before Omicron and before Delta, to venture out in the world again. In 2020, the year before, we may not have had a very long lock-down period here in Arizona, but for us, the whole year was staying home. This year we went to the Total Wine & More a few times, the MyBeerWine store once or twice, and before my birthday last June, met up with a co-worker friend for drinks. That's it, though. With the spread of COVID variants, it just wasn't a good idea, despite being vaccinated, to go anywhere that often. We got our first vaccines in April at the Mesa convention center, then the 2nd shot a few weeks later, was also in Mesa. Our booster came in October, at a CVS pharmacy. We are as vaccinated as you CAN be right now but we do not want COVID. If even I don't have any symptoms, I am worried about long-haulers. Man, people be getting kidney disease 'n shit. So home, we are. But that doesn't bother me as much as I always thought it would. I enjoy my little family and being with them. My days are fairly routine, but thats good for me and my bipolar disorder. I am pretty happy. So this list, the worst times of my 2021, will be rather difficult. That being said, here they are:
- Sometime in September (I think) me and my mate got into a big fight. I was in a mixed episode, and felt angry. Everything bothered me. I felt rage, jealousy, darkness. I wanted to hear dark music. I wanted to be by myself. I hated people, I hated the world. And one day, I just wouldn't stop running my mouth at her, so she sprayed me with a water bottle and somehow we ended up on the floor wrestling. I felt so terrible and awful immediately afterward. I snapped out of my pettiness and angst, and started trying to use better strategies to deal with my "mood". I felt really bad. I am not a violent person, I don't wrestle people. I'm not USUALLY a jerk, either. That day, I was, and it still bothers me that I was like that, to this day.
- Sore arms after COVID shots. The first shot didn't hurt that bad but the 2nd one hurt like crazy, and I even got a little sick afterward. The booster hurt moderately and I started to feel kind of icky but it went away. It was so worth it though.
- A new pain introduced itself this year. I call the area my "Pelvileghip" That's pelvi-leg-hip because where the femur meets the pelvis has a problem, down by my crotch area. It pops and clicks and feels like it's rubbing. It's tender and sore, and I read it might be osteoarthritis of the hip. A couple tylenol helps the pain. The funny thing is, I have a bad back and my back hurts when I stand for too long, but my pelvileghip hurts when I sit for too long. I just can't win with these body parts.
- Goose, the oldest cat, is going blind. We've had to move things around and make it easier for him, with hits access to the fountain water on the counter (We'd put them on the floor if the power outlets in the bathrooms were toward the floor, but they are at the counters). We put lights up around the house at night so he can find his way since he really can't see in the dark. Poor buddy.
- My mate's father in Nevada has Parkinson's disease, and just the other day ran the car into a median in the snow and totalled the bottom of it, on his way to the casino. It's dangerous for him to be driving. We're hoping her mother took the keys and cash away. Gotta keep him safe. Her mom is super worried now though, and hopes she doesn't have to retire soon.
- My mate was having some problems at work. Her supervisor and team lead were harassing her/micro-managing and it was getting out of hand. Her stress level went through the roof and she had problems sleeping and having really awful anxiety. It was no good.
That is all I could think of that went even sort of bad this year. It really was a decent year. Coming up... the best times of 2021.
Saturday, December 11, 2021
Top 10 Psychill/Chillout-y Downtempo of 2021
It's that time of year! Time to show off the top 10 chill albums from 2021. In the non-electronic world of music, I was a bit disappointed. I mean, all these rock and pop and country groups had all of 2020 sitting at home to put together really great material, but it seems like re-releases, remix albums, and crummy EP's were all anyone did! Not so, in the electronic world. It was very difficult this year picking a #1. And a #2. And a #3... you get the hint. There was a lot of good music this year in the chillout world. It was hard to narrow it down, so let me just say congrats to all of these Top-10-ers, they put out some great work!
#10. Zero Cult - Eclectica
I'll start you off with a gem from Zero Cult. Perfectly smooth and hitting all the right spots, Eclectica is a smart album with plenty of subtle psychedelic hints and emotional melodies that make it beautiful.
#9. Dense - Reflux Compressor
Reflux Compressor is only one of the albums Dense came out with in 2021, but to my ears it was the more psychedelic, more magical of them. This is an album you could definitely turn off the lights, put some headphones on, and tune yourself into another dimension.
#8. 121569 - Mermaid Marmalade
Mermaid Marmalade is an album by one of Side Liner's projects, 121569. I didn't find information on the unique artist name, but I did find that the album cover was a drawing done by his daughter. This album has some pretty cool lo-fi hip and trip hop beats with some pizazz thrown in for good measure. The tracks are all pretty short, but it is a fun jam.
#7. Eelison - When The Sea is Cooling Down
Some mellow liquid dubstep for you here. Blissful beats, soothing melodies, and vocals. Can I just say, I hate vocals in my electronic music? It's true. But these are actually very lovely and haunting, and fit the tracks perfectly. I had this album on repeat for about a week without listening to anything else, it was very nice.
#6. Hidden Frequency - Thoughts of Imagination
Thoughts of Imagination is a truly jazzy trip hop album that surpasses the others. It blends some truly phat beats with that very chilled out groovy sound to make a mellow evening more fun. Play this one while driving in your car under the moon with your windows rolled all the way down.
#5. Tengri - Best of Chillout
This one was #1 for a good part of the year because the beauty was so intense. Most of these songs were previously released on other albums, so it sort of breaks my rules, but it is such a great collection of psychedelic tribal psychill that I absolutely could not help put it on the list. The amount of mysticism goes far on this album, with enchanting tribal drums, chanting vocals, didgeridoos, and shimmering sequences. Haunting and psychedelic.
#4. Cosmic Touch - Nirvana
This turned into #1 for a long time after Tengri's album. This psybass album is seemingly perfect, fun, oozing with incredible psychedelic beats and sounds, twisting around in your brain, driving you crazy. The overall aura and vibe, alone, of this album is worth mentioning. A very fun listen, but I recommend some psilocybin if you want to make the experience go off the rails, in a good way.
#3. Kiphi - Move The Stars Here
Then, this album became my #1 spot when I first heard it. It has a rather old-school psychill/psybient flavor to it, circa 2008/2009 or earlier, that I just love. The pacifying pads and soft hints of melody and wonder delight the senses, no doubt about it. You'll feel like you are floating on a cloud while listening to this album.
#2. Sundial Aeon - Synthesis
Wow, talk about psychedelic! I hear some acidic 303 sounds in this album, very tasty and crunchy. The soft squelch just gets me every time. Reassuring pads, satisfying synths, and effective beats really put you in a psychedelic mind frame inside a joyful atmosphere. I wouldn't skip a single track, and this quickly shot up to #1 as I listened more and more.
Are you ready for #1.?
Drum Roll...
#1. Ten Madison - Borealis
This album is #1 because I couldn't stop listening to it. I was surprised by this one, too, because all those many years ago before discovering psychedelic downtempo music, I discovered jazzy/housey chillout music, and Ten Madison provided that for me. I could imagine this album being played in outer space. Dreamy and spacey, surpassing time. At times epic, at other times thoughtful, the pace and the sentiment on this album was blatantly perfect. Time to cough up 6 million dollars for a trip on Blue Origin. Stick this in your earbuds and off you go!
I hope you can click on all the links to have a listen to the song I picked to represent each album, and as always, be sure to support the artists! Have a happy 2022... and may music be even BETTER than it was in 2021!
Saturday, December 4, 2021
Top 10 Chill Albums coming soon!
Obsydian Fox - Moonwaves!
Moonwaves out now on Spotify! And perhaps other streaming services already! Check out my new experimental ambient album on Spotify! https://...
It's that time of year! Time to show off the top 10 chill albums from 2021. In the non-electronic world of music, I was a bit disappoin...
I'm back with another Top 10 list, this time for 2022. This was an interesting year for music. A lot of long-awaited albums came out, ...
As you probably know by now if you've read any bit of this blog, I am a synthographer. That is what we call an AI Artist. Someone who cr...