Saturday, January 8, 2022


 So, I had been meaning, for about a year now, to write about my experience living in a world of COVID19. My experience, I realize, is quite different from most people's, so I wanted to share. 

It all started as you know, in around December of 2019. I remember hearing about this new illness on the news, but no one took it seriously at that time because it was originating in China. It wasn't until after the new year it began to be spread here in the United States. We went to a festival to see Dave Matthews Band play a concert on February 29, 2020 and I remember feeling apprehensive because supposedly the virus had reached Arizona where we are. But there were no masks or anything at that time.

On March 15 2020, my workplace said we were going to start an "A" week and "B" week of working from home. Now, our CEO was this old fuddy duddy who really didn't want anyone working from home if he could help it, so we knew it was about to get real bad. Me and my mate were on "A" week, but as soon as we got home and got the computers running with the work software, we were told EVERYONE would be working from home until further notice. *We've been working from home since then.


That is when my mate and I settled in for the long run. There really wasn't much of a "quarantine" in Arizona, our douche bag Governor only cared about the economy so it lasted 2 weeks officially, before he opened everything up again in April. 

Around March was when you couldn't find toilet paper. People were fear-hording items like TP, paper towels, and hand sanitizer. We luckily had about a 2 or 3 months supply of TP otherwise we would've had to use leaves from the Orange tree outside. 

It was at that time that we began utilizing delivery as our only option for food and items. Doordash, Grubhub, Uber Eats, Postmates. WalMart delivered, so does Safeway and Fry's (Smiths/Ralphs/FredMeyer for all you elsewhere living people). So that is what we did. And still do!

Then as time went on and masks became a thing, you had idiot people refusing to wear them, or arguing against them. These are called "COVIDIOTS" - an apt name. Mostly republicans and conservatives, who listen to incorrect information, were these anti maskers. Wait till I talk about vaccines!


So we literally went to no single place other than the vet, where we set the carrier on the hood of the car whilst some underpaid "essential worker" came and got the cat, did their thing, and then brought him back to the hood of the car. We had no contact with people. We would take walks around the neighborhood, but that is it. We would drive the car around the block and air up the tires to make sure it would still run properly. 

In April and May of 2022 we finally could get our vaccines. Later, in October, we got our boosters. In June there was FINALLY a lull in the virus, so me and my mate met up with a co-worker friend of ours at a bar for some drinks, maskless. It felt super weird - and then just a few days later, the Delta variant emerged. Goddamit. So back in our house we went. And then the Omicron variant hit later in the year making it even more important that we stay in. 


My mate says 2021 was worse than 2020 because at least in 20, everyone was stuck inside, the world stopped. But then in 21, the world went on like normal again, but we didn't. We stayed in. I don't care if we're vaccinated. I don't want to get COVID because mostly due to long-haulers. They just don't know what will happen to your body in the long run. You could get the 'VID and just have a headache for a couple days, but then 4 months later you've got kidney disease or diabetes. Yikes, no thank you.

So inside, we still are. Inside as in, inside our own world. We still take walks and such. But delivery is the way to go. We do make a few excursions every so often to the Total Wine & More store for beverages, fully masked of course. But that's like once every 3 months or so to stock up.

I don't mind it one bit. I thought I'd have a serious problem with it. Being a Gemini, and all. But I am an introvert. Being around people makes me tired! I love staying at home all the time. All the extroverts in the world were like "wahhhh I am sad" when they were stuck working from home, indoors, staying away from places. Me and my mate, introverts, were like YAY WE CAN ALL STAY HOME!!!

And, that is kind of where we are now. Home. Staying. With a few excursions once in a long while. I wouldn't travel on a plane (Mostly because I'm scared I'll be next to the passenger that refuses to wear a mask and beats up the flight attendant). I wouldn't go anywhere without a mask. I refuse to go to any restaurant or bar or anywhere that makes you put on a mask but then you have to lower it to drink or take a bite of food - I mean, how stupid is that? That's just optics.

And this shit isn't going to be over anytime soon. Only 70% of the country is fully vaccinated because people are stupid. There is soooo much misinformation, mostly spread by right-leaning conservative douche bags, about the vaccines. So until people can get their shit together, it's going to be another year or two before COVID dies out.

Well, that's my story. Let me know if I forgot anything. Ha.

If I did, I'll edit and add more later.

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