Monday, January 3, 2022

Day by Day

One of the things I decided to do this year was start a video diary. Nothing fancy, nothing major, just a one minute-ish video of how I am doing. How life is going, how I am feeling, etc.  I started it on the 1st. It's going well so far. I just need to set a reminder every day to do it.

Tomorrow is back-to-work for us. We had an excellent 4-day mini vacay from work but tomorrow is back to real life again. It's also the day that we start our Soup Extravaganza. See, we're starting with soup for 4 days, then going into intermittent fasting again, which really worked for both of us with losing weight and such.

I hurt my back on New Years day. I was using bad form, apparently, when doing chest exercises with weights and felt excruciating pain. I can losen it up with running and then it feels better but after a time it goes back to hurting again. I've been taking tylenol and icing it. Not sure what else to do. My mate's been having me do bridges on the floor to try and help, but it hurts and I can't lift my hips more than 1-2 inches off the floor.

I'm going to try this year also to get my music up on Spotify, so we will see about that. I have to research mastering and such. EDIT: I just found that Soundcloud will master for you, for a fee. That may be the way to go, if I can also then take the finished product OFF of Soundcloud. I will have to find out.

I think that is all I really needed to say today. Hope everyone had happy holidays. Catch ya later!

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